Whitepaper Challenges for trustworthy (multi-)Cloud-based services in the Digital Single Market (v3.0)
This White paper collects the future research challenges identified by the Cluster of EU-funded research projects working on the areas of data protection, security and privacy in the Cloud (DPSP Cluster) launched in April 2015 by DG-CNECT of European Commission.
The future Digital Single Market (DSM) poses a number of research challenges for future years. Particularly, the DSM Initiative #14 on “Free flow of data” directly impacts on a number of security and privacy issues on (multi-)cloud-based services and cloud services. The objective of this White paper is to develop an initial map of challenges identified by the DPSP Cluster projects related to the DSM Initiative #14 topics at the right level of abstraction that could be reused by the EC and policy makers. The map includes collection of the challenges more relevant for the next Horizon 2020 Work Programme 2018-2020.
Full article: Challenges for trustworthy (multi-)Cloud-based services in the Digital Single Market.